What is the Purpose of Trademark Registration?

Trademark Attorney

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The purpose of trademark registration is to protect the trademark from infringement by competitors. Registering your mark ensures that you have a claim of ownership over its use, and can use this registration as proof in court of the mark’s


When Does a Business Need a Trademark?

trademark attorney near me

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The trademark attorneys of Gertner, Mandel, Peslak are often asked by business owners when does a business need a trademark? In fact, every successful business will have a trademark whether they create one knowingly or it merely happens by default.


Intellectual Property Protection Video

New Jersey Lawyer

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The Basics of Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law What Every Lawyer Should Know Intellectual Property Protection Seminar Outline Video Slide Show by Larry Mandel, Art Peslak, and Richard Malagiere We recently launched a YouTube channel to share videos and slide


Computer Software Patents

Patent Attorney near me

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Computer Software-Business Method Patents In a recent case,the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in on the issue of the patent eligibility of software-implemented business methods in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International. At issue was the validity of several patents owned


What is a Trademark?

trademark attorney near me

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A trademark is a name or logo that is used in connection with the sale of products or services to identify the source of the goods or services.  Trademarks can be inherently strong or can become strong trademarks through effective


The Basics of Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law ~ What Every Lawyer Should Know

Trademark attorney New Jersey

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Continuing Legal Education Seminar The Basics of Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law ~ What Every Lawyer Should Know Larry Mandel and Art Peslak will be presenting “The Basics of Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law ~ What Every Lawyer Should Know”


Standard for Recovery of Attorney Fees in Patent Litigation

Patent Lawyer

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The Supreme Court Clarifies Standard for Recovery of Attorney Fees in Patent Litigation Clients often ask if they can get their attorney’s fees paid by the other side and there are several ways that could happen. The Patent Statute provides


Trademark Law – An Overview

Trademark Attorney

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Trademarks are names or logos used in connection with the sale of products or services to identify the source of the goods or services. Unlike patents, trademarks do not offer legal protection for the product or service. Rather, trademark law


Social Media and Trademark Infringement

New Jersey Lawyer

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A recent case in the Western District of Virginia sheds some interesting light on the use of claims of Trademark Infringement, False Association and False Endorsement, False Designation of Origin, and False Advertising under the Lanham Act (aka the Trademark


How Long Does It Take to Get a Patent

IP Lawyer

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Clients always ask how long will it take to obtain a patent after an application is filed?  This question is an important one since a patent owner has no rights to enforce against potential infringers until a patent actually issues.